Saturday, May 17, 2014

And We're Off

 <<Previously Typed-- 3/16/14>>

Since 3 o’clock this morning, I’ve already encountered so much on my Costa Rican excursion and I’m only in Houston, Texas. Never did I imagine I would be studying abroad to a country I love in order to be working with children and participating in activities that I love. Yet here I am, sitting in the George Bush International Airport getting ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. So far, I’ve already learned so much and all I’ve done is sit in airports all day long.
            Lesson Number One: There is such thing as too many liquids. I was greeted at the Springfield- Branson Airport with a lovely fifteen minute meeting with TSA concerning the amount of liquids, creams, aerosol spray, gels, etc. that I had in my carry-on bags. However, when I’m traveling for three weeks and ONLY taking carry-on bags--- I’m of course going to have a lot of hygiene products. I’m a girl, and a high maintenance one at that—one quart size Ziploc bag will not suffice.
            Lesson Number Two: When on a moving walkway, one must stand on the right so people can walk on the left. I strongly discourage stopping to take a selfie. Sure, it will turn out fabulous, but you will be yelled at.
            Lesson Number Three: Call and give your bank at least a week notice prior to leaving the country. Also, call in a place that you can disclose your social security number. It is highly likely that your operator will become irritated when you express that you’re uncomfortable saying it out loud due to the fact that you’re in the airport.
            Lesson Number Four: If you are nice and talk to the pilot while waiting during your layover, there is a solid chance he will allow you to visit the cockpit. No proof unless there are pictures…
However, while I’ve learned a lot from this trip already I can only hope I will continue to learn more valuable things about myself and teaching in general. I hope to gain a stronger knowledge of Spanish because not only is it my emphasis, but Spanish is one thing I’ve always had a passion for. I believe in the phrase “use it or lose it”, therefore I wish to immerse myself in the culture and take every opportunity I can to speak the little Spanish I know. I also hope to gain a certain patience and empathy that can be applied in all aspects of my teaching. While I am here to learn, I am also here to teach and assist the families and children I meet with English. My patience is very high for children, but I think this experience and culture shock will help me to become more tolerant of older people not always knowing--- this is something I’ve struggled with for quite some time and is the main reason I refuse to go into secondary education. 

My current feelings about this experience I would say are very similar to the other students I’m with on this trip--- anxious, excited, and exhausted. Like I said, I’ve been up since 3 this morning and I didn’t go to bed until 1. I know, you’re all thinking sleep on the plane or at the airport. Trust me, I’ve tried! I’m just so anxious because I’ve been preparing for this since last Spring--- I even reviewed all my Spanish grammar and vocabulary (shout out to the Glendale Spanish department). It’s just so real now. In approximately an hour I will be in San Jose. Honestly, I might pass out and I wouldn’t be able to tell you if it’s from nerves, excitement, or jet lag. Haha… but seriously.

Anyways, obviously with every new challenge comes fear. I’m not going to act all tough and say I have no fears because I have plenty—the first being making it from point A to point B; I would have to show you a map for this to make sense— it has nothing to do with flying. My next fear is getting sick. Who wants to spend their time sick ever? Don’t worry though, thanks to Grandma Judy’s recommendation, I’m stocked up on every type of medication whether it be for cold, allergy, food poisoning, diarrhea… I’m sure there is more that I’m forgetting. The point is that I’m covered. Lastly, and my biggest fear of all is that I won’t open myself to the culture and take in all the great things Costa Rica has to offer me. However, I feel as though this will be easily avoidable because my family has four children ages 18, 16, 14, and 11. I think I will always be able to join in on something whether I’m up to it or not—and I will gladly join in because I never know when I’ll be back. Ya dig?

Now that I’ve rambled on forever, I just can’t wait to see what this trip brings me because I know I won’t leave empty handed. I’m excited to grow as an individual and build some amazing friendships with the people that are here with me. With that all being said… Pura Vida!

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