Saturday, May 31, 2014

Teacher Strike....

So since I’ve been in Costa Rica for a while and have failed to mention this, I will now. The public school teachers here in Cost Rica are on strike and have been for... almost 4 weeks. I know what you’re thinking, “How are you visiting schools if the teachers are on strike?” Well let me inform you because it’s been quite difficult.

The first school we visited was Calle Hernandez Primary School which has its own post so feel free to read all about it, but we were only able to visit Tuesday when we were scheduled to visit Tuesday and Friday. However, even with the school being “open” Tuesday, there were only about four teachers in the building (Special Education, Physical Education, 5th Grade, and English-- Dina Villalobos, who we came to work with) so obviously not much was getting accomplished anyways.

The next school we visited was Escuela Altos de San Luis which is a teeny tiny school with approximately 20 to 25 students and has one man, Don Angel acting as the teacher, principal, law--- everything. So since he is the only one and truly values the education for his students he has been there teaching them or if anything allowing them a place to go while their parents work all day.

Now let me tell you why the teachers are on strike—or at least I will tell you to the best of my understanding (don’t worry, I’ve attached an article for those that need to know the EXACT details *cough* Grandma *cough*). So on May 8th, there was a change in presidency and Laura Chinchilla left office and Costa Rica welcomed their new president, Luis Guillermo Solis. Okay so in Costa Rica there is no military, so all the money that normally goes to the military goes to public education--- AWESOME! Anyways, in January, the minister of education (who is no longer the minister of education) signed a document saying that these funds that go towards public education and the money for teacher’s salaries would go to the President Chinchilla instead (I’m sure the minister of Education wasn’t going to walk away empty handed though either). So from January to May the teachers in public education here haven’t been paid. Therefore, they are on strike which is totally understandable…


I think I can speak for everyone in education when I say you don’t become a teacher for the pay. Yes, I can see how it stinks to not get your monthly paycheck. I can most definitely see that. However, there is a bigger picture these teachers are avoiding. They are depriving their students of an education. Education—the one thing everyone is privileged to have and they are refusing to step foot on school grounds and help children because they aren’t receiving pay. It honestly makes my stomach hurt. How much longer do they plan on avoiding their teaching duties? Will their students have to repeat this grade? How much longer will the strike go on and what is their government doing to stop it?

These are the questions I have so… when I figure out the answers I’ll let you know, but I thought I’d inform y’all of the great happenings here in the big CR. Besos

Monday, May 26, 2014

Learning about Learning

I know its cliché, but since I’ve been in Costa Rica I’ve changed as a person. I know… most people leave to study abroad and they come back saying they’ve “found themselves” and everyone just shakes their heads and moves on with their lives because this person has obviously drank the juice and they are now crazy. I’m not going to say I’ve found myself because I don’t believe anyone ever actually “finds themselves”; however, I will say that I have grown more as a person since I’ve been here.

Since I’ve been here, I lost sense of my comfort zone because if I tried to live in it I probably wouldn’t survive. After I started freshman year, I became very introverted. Sure, I still had my same outgoing personality, but I became very shy and it took a lot longer for me to talk to people. I think that’s what happens to a lot of people though. Growing up, I wasn’t afraid of anything—I would say anything, do anything, talk to anyone—but when I came to Missouri State I was so timid. I was stuck in a little shell and was scared to come out. Once I made a couple friends, I began to warm up, but I’m still very awkward when I have to talk to people that I haven’t known for a while.

However, coming on this trip and being in Costa Rica didn’t mix with a comfort zone. First of all, I came on this trip knowing two people, Samantha and my professor Vicki Haynes. The other students and my other professor, Dr. Aram, were just people I saw in the meetings every couple of months. Sure, we would have small conversations—grocery store conversations as I like to call them—but I didn’t really know anyone. Therefore, spending an entire day with them in airports and on planes was different for me. I was forced to trust them, talk to them, and get to know them and I can honestly say that it wasn’t bad. Obviously, talking to them didn’t kill me because I’m still writing in my blog.

I also have learned to face adversity. Obviously, we all face adversity all the time, but I’ve never had to face so much at one time. I’m sure y’all can assume what I’m talking about—I’m in Costa Rica after all. Yes, language and customs. As most of you know, I know Spanish, I have taken Spanish, I am an excellent student when it comes to Spanish--- if you want me to read, write, or listen. Ahhh exactly! I can’t speak Spanish. Okay, well that’s a lie. I can speak Spanish, but I am not confident when I speak Spanish for two reasons. The first reason would be that I haven’t practiced my Spanish in a year and a half (use it or lose it). The second reason would be, and most of you know this, I don’t like to be wrong. Obviously, I believe in corrections, but I just become so embarrassed because I’m learning and I don’t want people to laugh at me if I’m wrong. However, I’ve been forced to speak Spanish all the time here with my family or to translate for others in my group. Am I right 100% of the time? No, of course not. I’m not even right 75% of the time. However, I’m trying and I’m improving and that’s all I can do to better myself. Next, it’s hard to change my ways and adapt to things here. Not much is different, but it’s hard to remember to do the little things they do here. For example, you don’t flush toilet paper—ever. I can’t figure out how this is sanitary, but that’s what they do so I have to go along with it. Also, they go by “Tico Time” which means everything starts late—punctuality is nonexistent. When you have speakers presenting at 8—they actually come and start at 8:15. It’s really hard to not check what time it is. I’m trying to live by “Pura Vida” which means easy living or relax, but not starting on time has always and will always make me anxious. Another thing is that they are very affectionate. I’ve never been one to touch others so the fact that my mamatica gives me a hug and kiss every day before I leave and when I arrive home from school is slightly awkward. Also, there is a girl in my group, Aubrey wanted to make it into my blog, that I have to walk home every day and we have to link arms when we cross the street because she’s scared.

Being here is different. That’s all I can say to really describe it. It’s not different because they live so much differently than we do in the United States because they live pretty much the same. It’s just different because I’m not able to live within my little bubble of familiarity like I do in Springfield. I have to depend on practical strangers so my guard has been let way down which is very unlike me—usually I have a large barrier guarding me from the outside world. All in all, I’m just kind of rebuilding myself while I’m down here. I’m working on my empathy, dependability, and my connections with others. Its not bad, just different.

I think this will help me in my future though because it helps me relate to the people that I will meet that are out of their comfort zones. It helps me relate to the students I have or the players I coach when they say something is hard. It helps me realize that everyone struggles with things in a different manner.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Service and Immersion-- La Carpio

Today, we went to La Carpio, a place that Nicaraguan refugees live, to participate in a service project and work with children. La Carpio is a very poor community, but it is a place that allows a lot of opportunity for the people living here. Upon arrival, we met with a lady named Gayle who works for the Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation (check it out on Facebook or online-- ). The foundation is non- profit and is very important in the La Carpio community.  

To my understanding, Gayle’s job is to relate to the people and help them with their needs. She seems to be some sort of counselor for the people that live in La Carpio. Gayle came to Costa Rica in the 70’s with the Peace Corps then returned to the United States for a couple of years. After many messages from “a higher power”, Gayle returned to Costa Rica in the 80’s to help the people of La Carpio. For more than 20 years, Gayle has been helping the people and bettering the community strictly off of donations. She has helped to provide shelter and jobs for the families here.
While I hoped to learn more about the classroom and the school from Gayle, she was unable to offer much information making me think she doesn't work with the schools like she preaches she does. Therefore, I can only give information of what I observed and experienced in the classroom.
There was also a classroom of four year olds that we visited where students learn English. From what I could tell, there was very nice classroom management. The room was very well organized with different stations with in it—for example a kitchen, a reading nook, a letter/ number area, etc. There were many posters on the walls with the weekly schedule, the colors and numbers in English and Spanish, clothes, etc. It was set up like a normal preschool/ Kindergarten classroom and for the area being so poor I was very impressed.
My favorite parts about going to La Carpio was number one being able to practice my Spanish. I loved that I was able to communicate with the children and they could understand me. My second favorite part was being in what is obviously the equivalent of a Title One school and seeing how happy they were. They were happy to be in school, they were happy to be working with us—it’s experiences and reactions like these that make me want to be a teacher. Just knowing how these children lived after walking around town and seeing their tin and cardboard houses and then coming into their classroom and seeing them so happy to be learning seriously made me tear up. Everyone, even the teachers, were so welcoming and grateful that we were there. It was quite heartwarming.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Calle Hernandez Primary School

Recently we had the opportunity to travel to the Calle Hernandez primary school which is a public school here in Heredia. This rural school is the equivalency of a Title One school and holds 100-150 students. During our visit we spent time in Dina Villalobos’ English classroom.

Dina has been teaching English for over 20 years. She grew up in a missionary family and was taught English growing up in Brazil.

While at Calle Hernandez, we helped two different classes. The first group was a class of fifth grade students. These students were writing letters to their pin pals so we were there to help them with new vocabulary to use, check grammar and spelling, etc. It was kind of fun because Dina reminded me of one of my favorite Spanish teachers, Mrs. Pettenger. Dina wants the students to learn by demonstration not by translation. Therefore, when I taught new vocabulary, I had to act it out and say it in English for them to get what I was saying. Never once did I say the word in Spanish. I was laughed at a lot, but it’s whatever—I’m used to that.

The next group of students we helped were in the third grade. We played games with these kids to help prepare for their spelling bee that was coming up. My group played Matamoscas or Flyswatter. I also had the advanced spellers in my group; one moved to Costa Rica from the United States so he was very far ahead in his English comprehension, the other little girl transferred from a private school where she received four lessons of English a week. Overall, flyswatter was a successful activity, but since these children are so advanced they became bored very easily and we had this game to play for at least 45 minutes.

We also got to tour the school grounds which with less than 150 students, there wasn’t much to view. It was very simplistic, but they did have brand new computers which I found very surprising. I’m not saying that I pictured the schools in Costa Rica to be impoverished, but in this rural area with so little students I wasn’t expecting computers. I was only able to view Dina’s classroom and view a little bit of the physical education class due to teacher strikes in the country, but it was a good visit to our first school.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Meet The Family

So tonight I had an experience of a lifetime and something that I’ve been indifferent on since I learned I was going on this trip—I met my first host family. Obviously, meeting your host family is an interesting experience because there are so many emotions thrown into one moment. You’re nervous because you’re about to stay with a family that you don’t know, you’re scared because you don’t know if they will be nice or if they will like you, and you’re excited because you are about to experience something new and different. Mostly, I was nervous and I handle nervousness in two different ways both of which are extremities—crying or hysterically laughing. For meeting my host family, I decided to go with crying. Luckily, I didn’t ball my eyes out or even have tears running down my face, but my eyes did start welling up.

When my family arrived at CPI, I was greeted with a hug and kiss from my mamatica and my two sisters. For those of you that know me know this was a very awkward experience. Not only am I just an awkward individual, but I really dislike being touched—especially in an intimate manner—when I don’t know the person.  After we embraced and said hellos, we all hopped in the car to head home. My mamatica and papatico drove me around the town of San Joaquin to make sure I knew everything such as meeting places and the route I should take when walking places; then we headed home. My mamatica informed me that they don’t actually live in San Joaquin, Heredia—they live in Llorente, Heredia which is just over the bridge and about five minutes into the city (If you’re trying to figure out how far I am from the school—it’s a 30 minute walk).

When we arrived at the house, the two boys or my brothers gave me two cards that they colored and I was shown to my room. Honestly, my room is just like a dorm room. It has a closet, mirror, twin size bed, side table, etc. (I’m not complaining, but I’m not going to attach a picture so just imagine a dorm room).  Then they talked to me in Spanish and I didn’t understand anything because it was so fast so obviously I became very discouraged. Then they just left so I was more discouraged and I sat in my room. It was at that point that I just wanted to break down and cry because I figured I would just be alone for this whole week. I pulled out my computer and caught up on my blogs, etc.

Then the youngest girl, Lilibeth came in my room and started doing handstand against my room. Slowly the oldest, Marisola, came in and Felipe. They sat in my room and we talked for about two hours in Spanish and English. Marisola and Felipe are working on English in their classes and wanted help so we worked on sentences and they I told them what certain phrases meant when they asked. It was refreshing to have conversation and gain trust with my host family. I felt less intimidated. I still know nothing about Alejandro though… I don’t even remember what he looks like.

Once I got all settled in, my mamatica served dinner which was traditional rice and beans, but the main dish was steak with pumpkin, peppers, onion, cilantro, and maybe a little saffron. It was delicious! Now most people know that I only eat chicken, but since I’m in another country and I’m trying to embrace a new culture I’m trying everything. I would hate to offend my mamatica or miss out on something because I have a picky palette.

After dinner, I unpacked my stuff and got ready for my first day of school! And now you’re caught up to this exact moment…  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Chasing Waterfalls

Well this weekend has been filled with so much adventure and culture already. We started at 7 am Saturday, and we have yet to stop. However, while I feel we have done so much, there is still so much to do, see, and explore. Saturday morning, we started with a nice breakfast where I fell in love with a new breakfast dish, gallo pinto. Gallo pinto is the most magnificent rice and bean dish with spices and pepper—if it weren’t so high in carbohydrates, I would eat it for every meal.
After breakfast we went to La Paz waterfalls here in Heredia and was it beautiful! Based on the fact that I can’t recall the last waterfall I saw, I’m going to say I’ve never seen a waterfall before. La Paz was sort of like the nature center only more official and it had way more attractions. For example, we saw many mariposas (butterflies), felinas (big cats), bichos (bugs—gross), pajaros (birds), and monos (monkeys). While I hate birds, this happened to be my favorite exhibit because not only was there a beautiful man there, but this beautiful man—Kenneth if you were wondering—put a toucan on my arm. I was very proud to have this toucan on my arm—like extremely proud. I was also freaked out and nervous that it would poop, but proud nevertheless. Lastly, we hiked and viewed many cascadas (waterfalls). Dios mio, they were gorgeous!! Also, in order to see the waterfalls we took approximately 1,000 steps. Therefore, I feel like I don’t have to work out for a while--- not really, but I definitely treated myself to a big helping of gallo pinto Sunday morning for breakfast.

That night, we went out to eat as a group at Pollos y Pizza (chicken and pizza). I personally thought the place had a lot of character because there were dogs running around inside and I like dogs so I felt at home. I ordered casado con pollo (rice, beans, and chicken) and it was very good. Literally everything I have eaten here has been very good. I also ordered guanabana which is a popular Costa Rican drink. The taste is indescribable and incomparable to anything in the United States, but I can tell it has pineapple and milk in it. That’s really all I have--- it’s also delicious.
To end the weekend, we took a tour of our school here in Heredia, CPI or Central Panamericano de Idioms. The campus itself is very small, but it’s very beautiful and a lot of it is in the open (yay, nature!). We also took a tour of the town, San Joaquin de Flores, which is where I will be living for the next week. While by map it looks huge, everything in San Joaquin is at most 20 minutes away if you’re starting from the center of town. I really enjoyed walking about because it’s just different from Springfield and the United States in general. There aren’t always sidewalks and what not, but there is just wildlife all around. There are also dogs everywhere which naturally makes me miss Macy, but don’t worry Macy Shae—none of them are as adorable as you (biased). After our tour of everything we ate, and of course it was good. I’m coming to the conclusion that I was meant to live in Central or South America because I can eat Hispanic dishes and rice and beans with no problem.
Lastly, we met with Jon Le who works with CPI and talked about customs and expectations here in Costa Rica. We had a reflection and lesson planning for our future days at the local schools with Dr. Aram and Mrs. Haynes. And now…. I’m just waiting to meet my host family! All in all this weekend has been filled with so much and it will just keep getting better!

And We're Off

 <<Previously Typed-- 3/16/14>>

Since 3 o’clock this morning, I’ve already encountered so much on my Costa Rican excursion and I’m only in Houston, Texas. Never did I imagine I would be studying abroad to a country I love in order to be working with children and participating in activities that I love. Yet here I am, sitting in the George Bush International Airport getting ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. So far, I’ve already learned so much and all I’ve done is sit in airports all day long.
            Lesson Number One: There is such thing as too many liquids. I was greeted at the Springfield- Branson Airport with a lovely fifteen minute meeting with TSA concerning the amount of liquids, creams, aerosol spray, gels, etc. that I had in my carry-on bags. However, when I’m traveling for three weeks and ONLY taking carry-on bags--- I’m of course going to have a lot of hygiene products. I’m a girl, and a high maintenance one at that—one quart size Ziploc bag will not suffice.
            Lesson Number Two: When on a moving walkway, one must stand on the right so people can walk on the left. I strongly discourage stopping to take a selfie. Sure, it will turn out fabulous, but you will be yelled at.
            Lesson Number Three: Call and give your bank at least a week notice prior to leaving the country. Also, call in a place that you can disclose your social security number. It is highly likely that your operator will become irritated when you express that you’re uncomfortable saying it out loud due to the fact that you’re in the airport.
            Lesson Number Four: If you are nice and talk to the pilot while waiting during your layover, there is a solid chance he will allow you to visit the cockpit. No proof unless there are pictures…
However, while I’ve learned a lot from this trip already I can only hope I will continue to learn more valuable things about myself and teaching in general. I hope to gain a stronger knowledge of Spanish because not only is it my emphasis, but Spanish is one thing I’ve always had a passion for. I believe in the phrase “use it or lose it”, therefore I wish to immerse myself in the culture and take every opportunity I can to speak the little Spanish I know. I also hope to gain a certain patience and empathy that can be applied in all aspects of my teaching. While I am here to learn, I am also here to teach and assist the families and children I meet with English. My patience is very high for children, but I think this experience and culture shock will help me to become more tolerant of older people not always knowing--- this is something I’ve struggled with for quite some time and is the main reason I refuse to go into secondary education. 

My current feelings about this experience I would say are very similar to the other students I’m with on this trip--- anxious, excited, and exhausted. Like I said, I’ve been up since 3 this morning and I didn’t go to bed until 1. I know, you’re all thinking sleep on the plane or at the airport. Trust me, I’ve tried! I’m just so anxious because I’ve been preparing for this since last Spring--- I even reviewed all my Spanish grammar and vocabulary (shout out to the Glendale Spanish department). It’s just so real now. In approximately an hour I will be in San Jose. Honestly, I might pass out and I wouldn’t be able to tell you if it’s from nerves, excitement, or jet lag. Haha… but seriously.

Anyways, obviously with every new challenge comes fear. I’m not going to act all tough and say I have no fears because I have plenty—the first being making it from point A to point B; I would have to show you a map for this to make sense— it has nothing to do with flying. My next fear is getting sick. Who wants to spend their time sick ever? Don’t worry though, thanks to Grandma Judy’s recommendation, I’m stocked up on every type of medication whether it be for cold, allergy, food poisoning, diarrhea… I’m sure there is more that I’m forgetting. The point is that I’m covered. Lastly, and my biggest fear of all is that I won’t open myself to the culture and take in all the great things Costa Rica has to offer me. However, I feel as though this will be easily avoidable because my family has four children ages 18, 16, 14, and 11. I think I will always be able to join in on something whether I’m up to it or not—and I will gladly join in because I never know when I’ll be back. Ya dig?

Now that I’ve rambled on forever, I just can’t wait to see what this trip brings me because I know I won’t leave empty handed. I’m excited to grow as an individual and build some amazing friendships with the people that are here with me. With that all being said… Pura Vida!